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Hanging Ornaments

Do you miss selling and shopping with TUAC in the off season? Well now you can! Join us for a TUAC online event where you can sell your kids items and so much more as well as shop for your entire family at huge savings!! Don't miss it! 

Join Us in November

Want to shop all the great TUAC deals from the comfort of your home? 


Interested in Consigning some items? 

Just click the link here and we can tell you how to get started! Items must be entered by Nov 3rd at 10pm

Girl Checking Her Phone


Enter your items

You enter your items just like for our in person sale except you include a picture(s) of your item


We upload the items to our website 

We upload the items to our online store by category so that everyone can shop by size, gender, brand, item, etc 
Deadline is Nov 3rd 10pm

Playing on the Computer
Online Shopping


TUAC Holiday Sale goes live

Nov 6th the sale goes live to consignors first then the public will have the option to purchase a pre-sale ticket for early access.

Nov 7th will be open to the public
Nov 8th items marked discount will be 1/2 price


Sale Ends - you prepare your sold items for drop off

We will get you a list of instructions on how to prepare your items from drop off.  You will only prepare and bring the items that have sold online.  We will get you a list after the sale is over

Donation Boxes


Drop off Your Sold items

Bring your items to TNT on Nov 10th  10am-2pm (sign up for a time) you will bring your items into the building to scan them in - we will not be able to do drop and go like the in person event


Shoppers Pick Up their purchases

Shoppers will come by and can do drive thru pick up on their items! Pick up will be Nov 10th  7-9pm or Nov 11th 10-12pm at TNT Sportsplex

Credit Card Payment


Your check arrives in time for extra cash for your summer!

Checks should be in your email by Nov 15th.  Just before the holidays!!! You will get 65% of your sold items unless the items you drop off are defective, have stains or issues other than listed on your item description.  If a shopper finds these issues with your items you will not be paid for them - the shopper will not take the items and we will donate or dispose of the item after the sale.  We will not have time to get those items back to you.  

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